The teams have been picked, and today marks the start of the first challenge. Without further ado, lets meet the teams, and best of luck to all the competitors. (Captains marked in bold).
Immelman, littleguy29, Obi_Wan_Cannoli, coinich
Themeparknerd, SVT305, The Dave
LostThought15, CTRSind, Gluesniffa
Towersdude, Chapman278, -Nuclear Fish-
Johnycanon8, CoasterJoe, P8ntball
Crowheart, Jerr_Oen, evenstar13, Kylr23
03gibbss, RCT-Extremist, FlyingDutchman7
That’s all for the teams, to those that were not chosen, don’t fret – there is a chance that if someone drops out, you may be drafted into their position. So stay on your toes!
Additional coverage, as always – in the thread.