Created by Nightfall, Driving School is a staple of all LEGOLAND parks, and now you can simulate your own Driving School in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3!
– The set includes a new CTR, a basic track layout and custom road scenery.

Photo Credit: Nightfall
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its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooool but the only hard part is the unzipping
thats so cool the only hard bit was to unzip the rar file for the invisible track and putting in the right place but now i have done it and it is amazing. Thanx = )
same here
it really cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Thats fun, it fits in one of my park….thank you!
Cute video! Those lego cars look fun too!
where do you put flat ride on windows 7
Hi, Nightfall here.
To think I’ve been checking this site for ages and hadn’t even noticed my own set appear.
I didn’t relies the music would cause problems when it was uploaded. I’ll try and release a new one. Until then there is an older video without the music:
Hye mate, i have tried to find another video but have been unsuccesfull, sorry bud.
The video is not available in my country. -.-
Please update it without the music – i’ll love this set!