Another recent release, similar to DasMatze’s spinning cars, this is modeled after Maurer & Söhne’s spinning car. New model in development, just no date specified.
Access files:
Another recent release, similar to DasMatze’s spinning cars, this is modeled after Maurer & Söhne’s spinning car. New model in development, just no date specified.
Access files:
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Honestly, please do something about the spinning, because i dont think it does that much. I suggest you release another version but the car having the same free spinning animation as the Spinning Wild Mouse
I downloaded but I want 1 car per train it stops in 3 what should I do?
I Downloaded Your CTR bUT thare no track file and coasterfreak90 are thinkering your rest are your CTRS
same i need the track file!
help please when i intalled the car i wanted but it did not show up in the game you just get the car oley the builder fergot to put the track file
can you make a download link.i have no clue how to use the ctr creator
can you make a download link for the track file i have no clue of how to use the ctr creator
where is the track file for this ctr
it is not the problem. when you download it you get just the car.
This was the file format I was given to upload, so to open and unzip these file types, you’ll need to use WinRAR. It’s a free alternative to winzip.
hi. i cant use that program. can anyone send me the track file to the spinning coaster car
Yes, it is only the car – however, you need to do a little tinkering with the CTR Creator v0.75 and use the variable “WagentypName” in BahnDaten.txt. The CTR Creator allows you to place any type of coaster car, on virtually any coaster track in the game. I have not experimented with it personally, but I know quite a few Atari Community members have created countless rides using this device. Hope that helps.
the download only gives you the car but not the ttack file plz help